Basmati is a variety of long, slender grained, aromatic rice. Basmati rice is commonly known as "Queen of Fragrance” due to its tempting aroma.
The Basmati rice are differentiated from other aromatic rice in a certain criterion that its length increases twice of their original size after cooking with other characteristics like soft and fluffy texture upon cooking, delicious taste, superior aroma and distinct flavor.
The name ‘Basmati’ is likely to have originated from the Sanskrit word, bas from ‘vasay’ connoting aroma; and mati from mayup meaning ingrained from the beginning.
The chemical compound responsible for aroma in Rice 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline present @0.09 ppm in Basmati Rice grain which is almost 12 times more than non-Basmati Rice.2-acetyl-1-pyrroline (2AP) is the principal aroma compound responsible for the pleasant aroma in scented rice. 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline has a pleasant popcorn or cracker-like aroma and a low odor threshold of 0.1 ppb. However, 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline is unstable and is quickly lost in cooked foods, such as bread and popcorn.
It is an important ingredient of the Indian cuisines due to the long grain size, non-sticky after cooking and enticing scent. Basmati rice was a predominant constituent of the rich and royal menus.
Basmati rice has a harmonious combination of defined kernel dimensions, appealing aroma, fluffy texture of cooked rice, high volume expansion during cooking, linear kernel elongation with minimum breadth-wise swelling, palatability, easy digestibility and longer shelf-life.
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