McDonald’s, through the use of their clown mascot Ronald McDonald and the erection of restaurants which included playgrounds, appealed to children. McDonald’s further encouraged visits to the restaurants with Happy Meals, complete with toys.
A “Happy Meal” is a meal specifically marketed it children, sold at the fast-food chain McDonald’s since June 1979.
A toy is typically included with the food, both of which are usually contained in a small box or paper bag with the McDonald’s logo.
Happy Meals are marketed to children between the ages of three and nine; within ten days about four Teenie Beanie Baby Happy Meals were sold for every American child in that age group.
In other countries, Happy Meal options include apple bags in Australia, a side salad in Israel, carrot sticks in Italy, cherry tomatoes in Argentina, coconut water in Brazil, organic milk in the United Kingdom, pineapple spears in France, raisins in Ireland, corn cups in South Africa and vegetable juice in Japan.
Happy Meal of McDonald’s
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