Thousand island dressing, a creamy, rich with the flavor of sweet, spicy pickle relish, minced onion and a note of tomato. Thousand island dressing bring a salad to life or can be used on a sandwich or hamburger.
Ingredients for thousand islands including: egg, onions, pimiento, pickle relish, catsup, salad dressing, salt, white sugar, Worchester sauce, white vinegar, clove, black olives, red bell pepper.
Nutrient preserving (2 Tbsp or 1 oz ladle):
Calories 61
Protein 0.26 g
Carbohydrate 7.02 g
Total Fat 3.66 g
Saturated Fat 0.59 g
Cholesterol 8 mg
Vitamin C 1.2 mg
Vitamin A 87 IU
Iron 0.19 mg
Calcium 4 mg
Sodium 271 mg
Dietary Fiber 0.3 g
According to history thousand island dressing name comes from the Thousand Islands region located along the upper St. Lawrence River between the United States and Canada. Study by University of Wisconsin shows that thousand islands dressing recipe was based upon French dressing.
Thousand island dressing
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